Thursday, March 5, 2020

Express Yourself Italian Words and Phrases for Emotions [Infographic]

Express Yourself Italian Words and Phrases for Emotions [Infographic] Suzy S. Italians are an expressive bunch of people. Below, Italian teacher Liz T.  teaches a lesson in how to  express emotions using common Italian words and phrases The Italian language is one of the most emotionally expressive languages. In fact, Italians are not afraid to speak what’s on their mind, and certainly not afraid to show their emotions. Whether youre traveling to Italy or simply taking Italian lessons, its a  good idea to learn how to express your emotions in Italian.  Below are some Italian words and phrases you can use to express yourself and sound like a true native. Now that youve studied the various different emotions in Italian, its time to learn how to use these words in conversation. To express the phrase I am… use the Italian word  Sono See the examples below: Sono triste. (I am sad.) Sono arrabbiato. (I am angry.) Sono stanco. (I am tired.) Sono innamorato. (I am in love.) Remember, you must conjugate the emotion depending on who you are describing. Masculine words ending in  â€œO” should be switched to a feminine ending “A” and visa versa.  See the examples below: Lei è sorpresa. (She is surprised.) Lui  Ã¨ felice. (He is happy.) Lei  Ã¨ arrabbiata. (She is angry.) Lui  Ã¨ occupato. ( He is busy.) To get more familiar with using these Italian words and phrases in conversation, work with your Italian tutor on some fun exercises. For example, practice these words using flashcards or play a classic game of charades in which the teacher acts out an emotion then asks the student to guess the Italian word. Whatever activity you choose, be sure to practice these Italian words and phrases so you will be able to better express yourself when chatting  with a native Italian. Post Author:  Liz T. Liz T. teaches singing, acting, music and Italian lessons in Brooklyn, NY.  She is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music with a B.M. in vocal performance and has a graduate certificate in arts administration from New York University. Learn more about Liz here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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